
Hold D.C. Politicians Accountable

Congress is about to betray our families.

On July 10, the "Employment Non-Discrimination Act" (S. 815) -- better known as the Gay Bill of Special Rights -- was passed out of Committee and before the full Senate.

It will create a federal labrynth of regulations that will violate the First Amendment religious freedoms of those who morally object to the Homosexual Agenda.

And politicians in Washington are lining up to support it despite the damage this bill will do to American families, employers and churches...

... despite the fact that this bill is a top priority for Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.

Public Advocate is engaged in a costly grassroots campaign against the politicians who have trampled our families' rights and supported this bill.

That's why I need you to make a generous financial gift to help Public Advocate continue these efforts after you sign the petition below.

Thank you,


P.S. I have never seen the Gay Bill of Special Rights this close to passing before. I fear that if Public Advocate is forced to cut our efforts, we may very well lose this fight, and our children will be paying the price.

Please chip in to help Public Advocate today after signing below.

Petition of Redress to:

My senators and congressman

Whereas:   It is the God-given right of every American to raise their family, espouse their religious beliefs, and operate their business according to the values that they so choose; and
Whereas:   The Gay Bill of Special Rights tramples the Constitutional Rights of Americans who oppose the radical Homosexual Agenda, while granting "protected class" status to sexual deviants; and
Whereas:   The Gay Bill of Special Rights threatens the religious freedoms of private businesses and religious institutions who seek to uphold traditional morality in their hiring practices and everyday operations; and
Whereas:   Supporting the Gay Bill of Special Rights runs counter to conservative principles that the majority of Americans espouse, and is unacceptable to conservative American citizens; and
Whereas:   Support for the Gay Bill of Special Rights advances the agenda of President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi.
Therefore: I request you oppose all Congressional efforts to enact the Gay Bill of Special Rights, and that you represent the conservative, pro-Family values you were elected to protect.
Please submit the information below to sign the petition.

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Last Name:
