
Please take action right now.

Dear Pro-Family American,

American school children are in danger from legislation working its way through the United States Congress.

The New Homosexual Classrooms Act is being disguised as an "anti-bullying" measure -- but it's really only going to bureaucratically enshrine the Homosexual Agenda in American classrooms.

This bill is being cosponsored by the most radical members of the U.S. Senate.

Right now there is a huge demand for Congress to act to make schools safer in the wake of the Parkland shooting.

I'm afraid that any bill dressed up as a "school safety measure" will get shoved right through before anyone realizes its true purpose.

Public Advocate has to act now to alert conservative and pro-Family members of the Senate and the House as to the insidious nature of the so-called "Safe Schools Improvement Act."

So please, sign your name below.

And please consider chipping in a quick donation after you sign to fund our work.

For the Family,

Public Advocate of the U.S.

Stop the New Homosexual Classrooms Act
(H.R. 1957/S. 2572)

Whereas:   Schools should be institutions of learning, dedicated to the unbiased and unpoliticized pursuit of knowledge equally for all students; and
Whereas:   The misnamed "Safe Schools Improvement Act" actually DOES discriminate by creating special protected classes of students, while outlawing Christian beliefs held by teachers, students and parents; and
Whereas:   The "Safe Schools Improvement Act" will brainwash young children into supporting the radical Homosexual Agenda and the homosexual lifestyle as healthy and normal; and
Whereas:   Government should have NO AUTHORITY to force the Homosexual Agenda on the American people, much less their children;
Therefore: As your constituent and a concerned pro-Family voter, I strongly insist you oppose the so-called "Safe Schools Improvement Act," and make every attempt to see it defeated.
Please submit the information below to sign the petition.

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