Support Pupblic Advocate This Christmas

Dear Pro-Family American,

Without strong and healthy families anchored by a mother and father’s holy matrimony, America doesn’t stand a chance against the moralistic nihilism that the left wants to push on America.

Every day I pray that I’m doing the right thing.   That there are still enough Americans like you, committed to the family to win in the end.

So please sign your 2013 Commitment to the Family right now!

Without you, Public Advocate is nothing.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
Public Advocate of the U.S.

2013 Commitment to the Family

I hereby pledge my support to the Family and the good work Public Advocate is undertaking.

I further pledge that I will stand by President Eugene Delgaudio in the coming year as we fight to protect America.


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Last Name:


Because Public Advocate of the U.S. lobbies to fight the radical agenda of the
Homosexual Lobby, contributions are not tax deductible for IRS purposes.
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