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Add Your Name To Melania Trump's Birthday Card

First Lady Melania Trump and the Trump Family are constantly being attacked for defending Family Values at the White House.

So Public Advocate is launching a first-of-its-kind effort to wish the First Lady happiness and peace on her special day.

That’s why we are gathering a wave of signatures to send to Melania.

And if we can raise the funds necessary, we will print and deliver a signed Birthday card for you -- and every signer -- right to the White House!

Even if we can't, your card will still be sent to the First Lady digitally.

So please, sign your name above to join Public Advocate in wishing First Lady Melania Trump a Happy Birthday, and thank her for being a face for pro-Family Values.

For the Family,
HON. Eugene Delgaudio
Public Advocate of the U.S.
