thing thing

With Attorney General Barr's new declaration, the fight is on to end the Shutdown of Churches.

No authority on Earth has the right to ban churches from holding religious services.

We've got the White House and Department of Justice on our side -- now it's time for the next step.

Sign your petition below to tell Congress to Stop the Attack on Churches.

To my Congressman and Senators:

Stop the Attacks on Churches

The First Amendment is not conditional, and no authority in the United States has the right to suspend Religious Services; and

Churches are being unduly and unevenly targeted by local and state authorities demonstrating a clear animus through threats, harassment and even criminal charges in the name of combating COVID-19; and

Churches are being prevented from holding services even when meeting or exceeding the very same guidelines that are allowing mega-stores like Walmart or Costco to remain open to commercial business during this viral crisis;

I must insist that you condemn all violations of Religious Liberty in the name of combating COVID-19 and support the immediate reopening of Churches in America at their own discretion.
