thing thing

I'm rallying Public Advocate's nationwide grassroots army to protect women and children from the radical Homosexual Lobby.

That's why your petition for your legislators is so crucial to stop the Transgender Takeover.

Please sign your petition below TODAY!

Petition to Investigate the Transgender Takeover to:

My Representative, Senators, and Elected Officials

Allowing men in the girls' bathrooms and to compete in girls’ sports has already became dangerous; and

Science proves human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait; and

Chromosomes “XY” and “XX” are genetic markers of health -- not genetic markers of a disorder; and

A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking; and

Under the 10th Amendment, President Biden has no Constitutional authority to force schools to obey the Homosexual Lobby's radical Agenda.

I stand with Public Advocate in urging my legislators to protect women and children from this Transgender Takeover by rejecting all policies that condition society to accept "transgenderism" as normal.
